All posts by LL

Too Perilous For AI? EU Proposes Risk-Based Rules

As part of its emerging role as a global regulatory watchdog, the European Commission published a proposal on 21 April for regulations to govern artificial intelligence use in the European Union.

The economic stakes are high: the Commission predicts European public and private investment in AI reaching €20 billion a year this decade, and that was before the additional earmark of up to €134 billion earmarked for digital transitions in Europe’s Covid-19 pandemic recovery fund, some of which the Commission presumes will fund AI, too. Add to that counting investments in AI outside the EU but which target EU residents, since these rules will apply to any use of AI in the EU, not just by EU-based companies or governments.

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Bedtime Stories

This year I began writing bedtime stories. Some are available via the Get Sleepy podcast:

Fixing a Feast – Clem enjoys all of the smells and comforts of fall, as he prepares for Thanksgiving.

Floating in a Bioluminescent Bay – Lay back, relax, and float in a bay of glowing, dream-like water.

Other stories are available only via the Slumber app:

The Resurrection Plant – A story about how special desert plants endure long dry stretches and spring back into life when the rains come. Inspired by my related story for TED Ideas.

Getting Value out of Virtual Conferences

Online conferences can be easier than in-person conferences to integrate into a busy schedule, but they still require some advance planning and thoughtful behavior throughout. If you’re attending the ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Conference & Expo or any professional meeting online for the first time, we’ve got advice to help you be a good virtual citizen and boost your chemistry career.

Continue reading Getting Value out of Virtual Conferences