In Madrid, a few years ago, two teams of kids were playing football. A young boy scored a goal and set off in celebration, but then something odd happened – the opposing team’s managers asked the referee to stop the game. The boy, they argued, was too old to be on the pitch.
Dolores Galindo, the president of the Dragones de Lavapiés football club, was there. Lavapiés is one of Madrid’s melting-pot neighbourhoods, and it was one of her players who scored the goal. The boy wasn’t too old, she says. He was entitled to play. But on the other hand, she says, he did have darker skin.
I recorded the Madrid end of an interview for Gastropod. The interview, with Stefanie Malan-Müller, is woven into the Gut Feeling episode:
I interpreted an interview in Madrid for “The Fake Paralympians” a BBC podcast produced by Simon Maybin and presented by Paralympian swimmer Dan Pepper . The interview is from around 12:00 to 17:25 in episode 5, Court.
I recorded neuroscientist Mariano Sigman in Madrid for BBC Radio 4’s Analysis program “Can I Change Your Mind?” His segment is from 5:36 to 8:14 in the half-hour show, which was presented by entrepreneur and writer Margaret Heffernan.
Journalist covering global development by way of science and technology.